About Me

Greeting strangers! If you are reading this right now you most likely fall into one of these categories: family, friends, teachers, or fellow Juniata College students. If you are not one of the above by whatever misfortune or luck you have stumbled upon a college's student study abroad experience in China. Please stay and enjoy. My name is Jasun. Now to interject two disclaimers. One, this is my blog and I will speak my mind and sometimes, unfortunately, this may cross your comfort's threshold - and for that I apologize. Two, as much as this blog belongs to me, I am writing for you. As such, if there are any questions (I mean any) that pop into your head that you want answered just send me an email at Moyjf08@juniata.edu and I'll answer it on this blog. One more thing. I can't seem to upload pictures here. So I will most likely be uploading pictures on my facebook account. If you are interested in seeing these pictures and are not a facebook friend by all means add me - just leave message saying something of the sort that you follow this blog if I do not know you. Best wishes throughout the year, and I hope together we make it a fun, educational, and safe year.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010


*crackle* crr crrr *crackle*

We interrupt your usual broadcast for an emergency weather announcement.

The government has issued a severe weather advisory.

There is a impeding snowfall that will take place over the course of the day.

We advise everyone to remain in their houses.

As usual, the Chinese government announced that they will not shovel the snow to the best of their abilities nor will they salt.

We repeat, they WILL NOT use salt.

If you must leave your house, we advice everyone to take precautions so you don't slip and fall or worse break your head

That is all. We now return you to your usual broadcast.

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